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The Southern Methodist Church

Conference Theme: Touching the Heart of God Through Prayer (1 John 5:14-15)

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14-15

I know you are aware of how desperately we need a fresh move of God throughout our fellowship and our country. Praise God for how He blessed us last year as we sought Him for revival. I recently read a quote by R. A. Torrey that said, “Never a revival without mighty praying.” I would like to challenge you to continue praying for revival. I call it “A Heart Cry for Revival.” I am asking that we set aside some time daily to specifically cry out to God for a fresh and powerful out-pouring of His Spirit. Our office has Prayer Prompts, Scripture Guides, and other helpful tools that can be made available to encourage and help you in reaching out to our God for spiritual refreshing, renewal, and revival.

E.M. Bounds wrote, “All the true revivals have been born in prayer. When God’s people become so concerned about the state of religion that they lie on their faces day and night in earnest supplication, the blessing will be sure to fall. Let all our pulpits passionately ring out a clarion call for repentance from sin and ask for a powerful fresh renewal of the Holy Spirit to fall fresh and anew upon each of our churches. We are truly living in desperate times where sin and darkness is rampant. Desperate times call for drastic measures. Will you join me in this endeavor to seek our God with all our hearts that He might be pleased to hear our hearts cry and fall fresh and powerfully upon us?

My prayer is: Come Holy Spirit, move in Your people. Draw us to Jesus, His glory to see. Awaken us to Your purpose and equip us for Your work, that You may be powerfully glorified throughout the Southern Methodist Church.

Rev. Walter R. Pigott

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August 17, 2024
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