Welcome to the
The Southern Methodist Church

2025 Southern Methodist Pastor's School  

God’s grace and blessings to you. Plans are being made for a time of prayer, worship, and

spiritual challenge for this year’s Pastor’s School at Shocco Springs. As you know, the date is

May 5-8, 2025. I trust that you are already making plans to join us for this time of spiritual

challenge, refreshment, and fellowship. This year’s theme will be Sharing Our Faith with a

Lost World. From a biblical perspective, what is our responsibility in sharing the gospel with a

lost and dying world? A program is being planned to remind and encourage us concerning our

responsibility to share the gospel of our wonderful Lord and Savior with a lost and dying world.

Our guest speaker for this year’s meeting will be Dr. Thom S. Rainer. Dr. Rainer is the founder

and CEO of Church Answers. He is a former pastor and bestselling author with nearly forty

years of ministry experience. On the first day and evening of our meeting, Dr. Rainer will be

with us in person for presentations and Q/A. The second day of our meeting will involve

viewing key video teaching sessions on sharing the gospel by Dr. Rainer and his ministry team.

We also want to encourage spending time together during the afternoons for fellowship and


Please join us for this time of encouragement and fellowship. Attached is the Registration &

Room Accommodations form for the 2025 Pastor’s School. To help ensure that we have enough

rooms reserved, it’s important that you fill out your registration form as quickly as you can and

return it to our office by April 25, 2025.

I look forward to this time of worship and fellowship with each of you.

May our Lord richly bless each of you!

Bro. Rick


Childcare may be provided. If you are interested, please let the Ministries Office know the number & ages of children by Friday, March 21 so arrangements can be made.


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