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The Southern Methodist Church

2024 - 2025 Conference Theme: Honoring God through Sharing the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20)

“PRAY & GO” 30 Day Journey Devotional Book – November 2024 Challenge

Grace and Peace to you in Jesus Name!
I trust that you are experiencing God’s wonderful grace and blessings today. He is indeed a great and awesome God who is worthy of our praise and adoration!
I am sending this letter to extend to you a challenge concerning this year’s conference theme, “Honor God Through Sharing the Gospel”. As followers of Jesus, our calling and responsibility is to both know Him personally and make Him known to those who are around us. As He was preparing to return to His Father in heaven, Jesus authorized all of His followers (then and now) to carry out an assignment – a commission that is found in Matthew 28:18-20. The assignment is for all of His disciples to go into the world and proclaim a message of forgiveness of sin and salvation through Jesus Christ. Paul taught the Corinthians, and us by extension, that as Christians we are “Ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20). It is the responsibility of Ambassadors to take this message to the world – “Be reconciled to God”.
In order to encourage us as Southern Methodists to be about the Father’s business of carrying out the Mission assigned to each of us, I offer the following challenge to each pastor and member of The Southern Methodist Church.
I challenge each Southern Methodist believer to set aside the month of November (a month of Thanksgiving) for a special emphasis of praying and sharing our faith with family, friends and neighbors. Remember, this is the activity that our Lord and Savior has charged us with to carry out His mission. (Matthew 28:18-20).
To do this, I propose that each pastor and church leaders obtain the little book by Thom Rainer, Pray & Go. This is a little 30 Day Journey devotional book, along with your Bible, that encourages and helps believers to become Biblical Great Commission Christians. God intends for each of us to be involved in His work of sharing the gospel with others. This book can be obtained through Christianbook Distributors for around $10.00. I have about 40 copies of the Pray & Go book that have been donated to give away. I would be glad to share these on a first come basis. I believe this book is good tool that helps us to carry out the Biblical mandate of sharing the gospel.
As we approach the month of November, other reminders and encouragements will be sent out. Folks, sharing the gospel is what the Father has asked us to do. This is our assignment as Ambassadors of Christ. Let’s honor our great Lord and Savior by doing what He has asked us to do – Pray & Go!
For the glory of God.
Bro. Rick

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